5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation Naturally

5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation Naturally

If you struggle with chronic inflammation, you know the impact it can have on the body. While the main function of the body's inflammatory response is to protect us, the opposite effect can occur if this inflammatory response continues. For that reason, chronic inflammation is one of the greatest risks to the human body, and many Americans are searching for the best way to reduce inflammation. According to a study from the National Institue of Health, the prevalence of diseases associated with chronic inflammation is anticipated to increase persistently for the next 30 years in the United States. That's the bad news. The good news is that there are things you can do to reduce inflammation in your daily life. 

Does CBD Help With Inflammation?

There is research that suggests that CBD may help with inflammation. The relationship between CBD and inflammation is still being researched, like so many other health conditions. Overall it’s safe to assume that CBD won’t exacerbate inflammation. It should provide a calming effect. Combined with the above methods, CBD could be an important part of how you reduce inflammation in your body.

1. Stay active

Regular exercise is essential to maintaining overall health and wellness. But that doesn’t mean you need to become a bodybuilder to reduce inflammation in your body. According to a 2017 study, just 20 minutes of movement reduces inflammatory blood markers. So whether it’s walking your dog each morning or even a stroll around the block at lunch or after dinner, try to aim for at least 20 minutes of movement as often as you can to reduce chronic inflammation. If you want to go even further, running, lifting weights and doing yoga are also great ways to reduce inflammation.

2. Change your diet

What you put in your body matters. And while that may seem like an obvious statement, when it comes to inflammation, specific foods can really make an impact in reducing inflammation in your body. Try to incorporate foods naturally rich in antioxidants like fruits, vegetables, fatty fish and spices, while decreasing consumption of foods that can trigger inflammatory responses like dairy, gluten, sugar and alcohol.

3. Get more (and better) sleep

Losing sleep is one of the easiest ways to throw off the body’s equilibrium. Sleep deprivation has been linked to complications with memory, energy levels, mood and can even cause inflammation. Having trouble getting the recommended 7-8 hours? Try adopting some better sleep techniques into your nightly routine to reduce inflammation naturally.

Our Good Night Capsules are a great way to help you get a deeper, more restful sleep that enables you to reduce the inflammation that brings you pain and discomfort in your daily life.

4. Manage your stress

Like sleep, stress levels seriously impact the way your body feels and functions. High cortisol levels are known to trigger inflammatory responses within the body which, if left untreated, can cannibalize any anti-inflammatory efforts you’re adopting into your daily lifestyle. To keep stress levels low and reduce inflammation, try incorporating 10 minutes of daily meditation, exercise or even just catching up with a friend. PS, CBD can help with stress too

5. Add in antioxidant supplements + boosters

While all of these lifestyle improvements are easy to say, real life execution is a bit trickier. Let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way of the things we need to do to maintain good health. If you’re having trouble finding the time and resources to make some of these lifestyle changes, it’s okay to seek a little extra support. Incorporating supplements that reduce inflammation in your body (like CBD) is a great way to keep your free radical levels in check. 

Active Omega Turmeric Capsules

This all-star trio of natural ingredients with CBD, Turmeric and Omega-3 DHA helps reduce inflammation after exercise, supports antioxidant activity and supports joint health so you always feel ready to get after it.

Keep Inflammation In Check

An active inflammatory response is a sign that your body is functioning properly, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. With all of the factors that can trigger chronic inflammation in the body that are out of your control, it's important to be mindful of the things you can control to keep inflammation in check. As with all healthy lifestyle practices, it's not about being perfect. Try your best to incorporate some of these lifestyle changes into your daily routine to keep your body (and inflammation) in check--and if you’re interested, check out some of our CBD bundles that can help supplement your new, healthy lifestyle.