CBD Benefits for Seniors and Joint Health

CBD Oil for Seniors: How CBD Oil Supports Joint Health And Active Bodies

The body goes through a lot, each and every day. So it’s no wonder that staying active throughout older age can pose some challenges. Aches, pains and stiff joints and muscles grow a bit more commonplace and threaten our ability to participate in activities enjoyed during our younger years. And while we haven’t found the secret fountain of youth or the solution to reverse the signs of again, there are some things that you can do to help.

Over the past few decades, more and more people of all ages, including seniors, are turning to non-psychoactive CBD products to support their overall wellness.

What Is CBD?

First off, let’s do a quick recap of what CBD is. CBD is the acronym used for cannabidiol, one of the over 100 different cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Both CBD and THC are considered a phytocannabinoid. (That’s just a fancy way of saying their molecules is made by plants.) Many plants such as black pepper, echinacea, and even cacao contain cannabinoids.

Cannabis just has a much higher concentration of cannabinoids. Any phytocannabinoid will interact with your endocannabinoid (ECS) system. Hemp is a type of cannabis grown specifically with a higher level of CBD and very low level of THC – meaning you get healing benefits of the hemp plant, without the psychoactive effects of THC.

CBD works by impacting the endocannabinoid system – the system in our body responsible for sending messages to the brain, gut and other parts of the body to regulate bodily functions. By adding cannabinoids to the existing cannabinoids naturally produced in the body, CBD helps to correct imbalances, which in turn, helps our bodies to function a little bit more smoothly. Homeostasis can keep you healthy and feeling great, so it’s important for people of all ages.

CBD & Aging

While easy to idealize, “aging gracefully” is often so, well, graceful. As we age, we often experience more chronic joint pain and other complications with mobility such as arthritis, osteoporosis and slowed healing processes which can often require surgery to correct.


A recent 2019 study by Consumer Reports found that 42% of Baby Boomers use CBD to help alleviate their joint pain. This trend extends to doctors and associations alike, including the Arthritis Foundation, who have started recommending the use of CBD and encouraging more FDA research and regulation of CBD to provide adults with proper guidelines for use.

Remedy Review recently conducted a study of 1,047 senior adults who took CBD to see exactly how and why they were using it to support their lifestyle and it offered insight into how seniors can use this supplement to improve their quality of life.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Seniors?

If you’re worried about whether CBD oil is safe for seniors, the general answer is yes; it’s found to be safe for the majority of the adult general public to use as a dietary supplement. Plenty of seniors are taking advantage of the benefits of CBD oil to improve their quality of life, making it a little easier to make the most out of their golden years.

It’s always important to talk to your doctor if you think CBD is right for you. They can advise you on serving size, recommended methods for usage, and how it may affect existing health conditions or interact with any treatments you’re already taking. You should never combine CBD oil--or any other remedies--with other medications until after consulting a licensed health professional.

If your doctor is on board, the benefits of CBD for seniors are easy to see, so make an appointment to ask them about it today.

CBD for Seniors. CBD and Joint Relief during the Aging Process

CBD Benefits for Seniors

In Remedy Review’s recent study of more than 1,000 seniors (which included those aged 54 and older), they discovered that a significant number of seniors reported a positive impact from the CBD they were taking.

This is easy to see in the data, including:

  • 89% of the study’s participants said they would recommend CBD
  • 51% reported a better quality of life after taking CBD
  • Most appear to have used CBD to aid in relaxation and support physical comfort
  • 75% report experiencing no side effects; the 25% who did reported side effects like fatigue, appetite changes, and dry mouth.

The fact that more than half of the study’s participants experienced a quality of life boost and only one out of four participants experienced any side effects makes it easy to identify why 89% of the participants said they’d recommend CBD for seniors.

The Best Ways for Seniors to Use CBD

In addition to researching what benefits seniors received from CBD oil, the study also dove deep into how exactly seniors were using it. They looked at the usage of drops (placed directly in the mouth or in beverages) and capsules as potential methods of consuming CBD.

Of the methods researched in the survey, 54.4% reported using CBD tinctures sublingually, while 21.1% mixed tinctures into their drinks and 15.6% of seniors opted for CBD capsules. 78% were happy with the outcomes after using CBD.

While sublingual or oral consumption was the most popular method of CBD usage, seniors may also find that topical CBD could increase comfort and provide a soothing outcome. Topical application can include CBD balms, creams, roll-ons, and even tinctures that can be applied to the skin. Liposomal CBD can affect your whole body, while topical solutions may be best if you want to work on a few specific areas that could use some extra comfort.

How to Integrate CBD Into a Healthy Lifestyle

CBD can have positive benefits on its own, but it’s going to work best alongside other healthy lifestyle changes to improve your overall wellness.

Combining CBD with healthy movement that feels good to you, a well-balanced diet that contains lean meats and lots of fruits and vegetables, and consistent, stable sleep routines will make all the difference. Fortunately, CBD can be integrated into any lifestyle and routine as you see fit.

Our Favorite Products for Comfort

  • Body Comfort Capsules – By pairing full-spectrum hemp extract rich in CBD with Boswellia – known for it’s anti-inflammatory benefits - we’ve created a solution that more people can find comfort in. These carefully selected ingredients come together to support a normal range of motion for everyday ease and relief in an easy-to-take pre-measured vegan capsule.
  • Hemp Balm – Our hemp balms are great for more targeted relief. Full-spectrum CBD paired with soothing calendula flower and copaiba oil for a soothing fast-acting. Available in two strengths for general discomfort or more heavy-duty discomfort relief.
  • Daily Balance CBD Oil – Our basic CBD formula is formulated for overall daily wellness and are best used for those who want to be in control of their serving sizes. Available in both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum offerings in an array of sizes and flavors, you can find the right fit for your daily life

While CBD is a great addition to your daily lifestyle, if you are experiencing ongoing physical discomfort, it’s important to talk to your doctor. They can help you seek out healing modalities that will help you feel more like yourself again.

Want to find the right product to support your overall wellness? Check out our CBD Product Finder Quiz to discover which Elixinol CBD product is right for you.